ok job
i like the game but therer were getis. nice job on making it real life, but we areint in the FBI so u got to help a little bit
ok job
i like the game but therer were getis. nice job on making it real life, but we areint in the FBI so u got to help a little bit
that was fuin awsome
in the beging it was a litte hard and the moth with him talk was a litte off, but it was a good game. but i get one thing in the end did he die because he didint move or look ok?
this was good but u need to us more body parts because went all the body r gone u i cook some thing the cuter doin want. anaway good game
omg this games good
dam his game is as good as sitf head 2 gerat job.
great game manbe the next game codend be solder and not selation, but gerat game
good game
i like the game it was hard but i did it. nice end music.=)
that was a good game, but pumpkin cant die or bealed they just dont look good. love the dackcut2 music, it make me feel like iam there and i need to save something or someone. nice job =)
very very very very very very very very good game
omg that was the best battle game ive ever played. the grafe were greit, the game play was hard but not too hard. this is the best game ive seen on newgrond and the INTERNET.
good game
hell i dont rely cair about the ainse i get is wong so i see him die mumaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaagood game by the way
iam trying to start my flash Careers or to be know out there. i guess money could be later. i think iam falling, but I think if I could get some help. I could put it off. http://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=SXqZZBlB7 bs&feature=player_de tailpage
sweet home high/ gow
Joined on 8/25/07